Thursday, April 16, 2015

Photofacials- Improving Skin Tone

Photofacial is a generic term for a skin treatment that uses an Intense Pulse Light-based technology. This is a non-invasive treatment, and is done in a half hour appointment time. 

Photofacials (sometimes called fotofacials, or IPL) have a number of different uses, but are mostly used for treating brown spots, broken capillaries, and boosting collagen. Here at Beauty Redefined we use the IPL Photofacial, as opposed to the LED Photofacial that does not go as deep, only treats surface skin tone and is not as effective at boosting your natural collagen. 

 An IPL photofacial can treat a variety of skin conditions such as brown spots, broken capillaries, spider veins, and facial redness. An IPL photofacial delivers a bright blast of light at very high energy levels through a hand-held device. This bright blast of light goes deep into the dermis, targets the melatonin and capilaries associated with rosacea. By going deeper into the skin tissue, this treatment can bring to the surface underlying skin tone issues, which is why a series is recommended. Once the deeper pigment is brought to the surface, it will flake off post-treatment. This treatment can be somewhat painful, however we do apply a topical numbing cream prior to treatment to make the process as comfortable as possible.

An IPL photofacial is the better choice if you have brown spots, broken capillaries or overall redness, called diffused facial redness. The number of IPL photofacials you need will vary depending on the condition you're treating, the results you want, and how your skin responds.

For more information, you can visit our website at or you can book a complimentary consultation and meet with one of our medical professionals to evaluate your skin and discuss you personal goals.